28 January, 2008

God's will and how it affects our lives. Part 1

I'm finding more and more that I seem to have issues with things such as work and what things in my life are really my focus. That sounds weird to say. But with my job, as much as I'm getting slowly better at what I do. I don't always feel like it's where I need to be. Now that I'm trying to play this out in cognizant sentences, I can't help but think that I only have a glimpse of what is really going on. I've talked numerous times in different blogs over the last couple years about God's plan. How as humans we have a hard time realizing what that is and how it's playing out in our lives.

A couple weeks ago, I had a long conversation with my pastor about this topic and numerous other topics. And I'm starting to see a longing to be doing things that have more of an impact for Christ. In our society that's no easy task. I can go after most anything that my heart desires at least if I have some form of money backing. But to go after "what God's calling me to" can very well be a phantom thing at times. It's blatantly there one minute but then I'm second guessing as to if it really is what God wants from me.

I think the hard line for me is when to take action. I think God makes it obvious sometimes as to what He wants or what He doesn't want. The question is, when is He speaking up for me to make a change in my life that isn't necessarily bad. I know part of that decision making process involves choosing what's "better or more right" in God's eyes. But sometimes it's a toss up. I guess this is just the beginning of this thought process for me.

Ultimately I need to get into the Bible more and see how God did this for Christians over the ages. Also I should seek out other Christians and see how they've been lead to the place they are at.

So we'll call this Part 1 in a series called "God's will and how it affects our lives"

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