01 July, 2009

Featured Logo on LogoGala.

Nice to get recognition for a logo that I created.

12 March, 2009

I'm tired...

I've been working hard. But it seems like that hasn't been good enough. My work hasn't been that hard. But I don't feel as if I'm getting done with things in a sufficient amount of time. It's crazy that all this is happening right when I'm looking to get married. God has been blessing the planning of Christina and I's wedding. I can't help but smile at how God has supplied for us. Despite us at times.

Marriage can be a scary endeavor. There are many unknowns. I've come to realize on many levels that I am not the "man of God" that I had set myself up to be, in my own head. I have many, many faults. God loves me despite these faults. And I know Christina does the same. It's humbling. As much as I've wanted marriage since I can remember. Now that it's here. It feels like a whirlwind of emotions. Most good. Adding the work thing to it, does not help. But God is good and He provides no matter what. Even if we were down to our last dollar, God has a plan for our growth and maturating in our relationship with Him.

That's all I have. I'm going to get up early and run. Then start work, Lord-willing, with a new attitude. A God-honoring attitude. Not just talking to the talk, but with His help, walking the walk. Lord give me strength!

Through Christ,

19 January, 2009

Posting has been few and far between...

Hi all,

Passions are interesting things. We all have them. They seem to end up being our focus whether we know it or not. I know that my focus in general has been on wedding plans and basketball. These are things that have their purpose in my life right now.

I had a good evening tonight. I find that I have a hard time getting as much done as I'd like to. But in general things are good. Christina and I have been through a lot in the last couple months. Learning more and more about each other. Realizing that our plans are not always God's plans. It's tough to go through hard times when things seem to be going wrong constantly and the only way to get through is to let God be in the forefront of our minds.

When you go a while without expressing yourself in blog form it can be difficult to think outside of your head. I find it very difficult basically b/c of the work environment I have. I spend a lot of time on AIM but not a lot of time in person or on the phone. I think in some ways I'm hurting from lack of contact outside of friends/church and Christina. But when I reflect, I do find that I spend a decent amount of time in contact with other people. I even want more time to myself than I think I need. It's easy to get a little catacomb in my apartment and engulf yourself in well...yourself. It's not healthy. I think the main reason it's not healthy is that whenever we give ourselves too much time to reflect/over-think things, we have a tendency to be weird.

I don't know if a lot of this makes sense but I'm glad that I have human interaction as much as I do and I do look forward to being able to experience more friendships and relationships in the years to come. With whom I can share life with and share my love for Christ.

Thanks for listening to the babbling of a "work from home" designer. I promise to be more clear next time. Lord-willing.
